All Provider Billing Services, LLC
All Provider Billing Services, LLC
Keep the financial aspect out of the therapy room
Billing Services
The monthly billing charge is 6 to 8% (based on practitioner category) of monies collected from insurance and client copays and deductibles.
We charge a percentage because we are invested in your success. We do not get paid, unless we get you paid.
This fee includes the below services at no additional charge.
APBS provides the following services, included in the monthly charge:
Insurance billing (electronic and paper claims)
Secondary insurance billing
Follow-up on insurance denials - we call on any Aging claims 60 days or older to insure payment
Monthly Provider Reports to keep you on track with your business
Monthly client statements to insure prompt and accurate client payments
The ability to take client credit card payments for you, either via your own Square account, or by forwarding you the information we receive from the client
We are available for extended hours via telephone and email, to answer any questions you or your clients may have
Optional services at an additional charge:
Follow-up on billings processed prior to APBS-$50 per hour
Back billing up to 1 year- $50 per hour + % of monies collected
Insurance Benefit Checks and follow up client calls, to insure clients are aware of their costs prior to their appointment-$7 per benefit check
Insurance panel Contracting and Credentialing support-$100 per hour, billed in 15 minute increments (this service is only available as an addition to billing services)
Renegotiation of Insurance allowed amount to help you earn your maximum potential-$100 per hour, billed in 15 minute increments